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You have a vision for a digital product. We’ll help you make it a reality.

Project Accelerator

You’ve got a great idea. TXI’s Project Accelerator is the best way to help you turn it into a reality. We’ll collaborate with you to think big, start small, and learn fast as you hurtle down the path from idea to viable product. Even better? Our expert team of designers, engineers, delivery managers, and product strategists will help you mitigate risks and stay on budget.


Project Accelerator: Define project vision, scope, strategy


Map the road to success

Realize engagements start small: we guide you through exercises to identify your goals, target users, and the features and functionality your product will need to succeed. We work with you to understand your business, customers, and industry, and then develop a detailed roadmap that outlines key milestones and delivery timelines.

From there, we document the existing technical landscape and gain greater understanding of your end users via…


User research to gather insights and data about the target audience and their preferences, needs, and pain points.


Technical assessments to evaluate the feasibility and viability of a product design, including potential risks and constraints.


Sketches, storyboards, and prototypes to help make ideas tangible and transform research insights into compelling solutions validated through user testing.


Define the scope of V1

Here’s what that process looks like:

  • Develop ideas for the digital product from insights gathered during user research.

  • Prototype and then test ideas and concepts with users to see how they respond.

  • Create user personas (which represent the target user group) and user stories (which describe how the user interacts with the digital product to achieve their goals). This helps create a user-centric product and set the priorities for development.

  • Define the core functionality, user interface, and user experience of the digital product, as well as any technical specifications required for development.

The goal of this phase: work together to define a valuable, viable, and pragmatic course of action.

Typically, the scope we define is a mix of small, incremental improvements to your existing product and new features or touchpoints. In practice, this may look like anything from prioritizing the next new feature to building an entirely new mobile app.

Case Studies

Redefining physical therapy with a revolutionary mobile app


Create new value ASAP

While the specifics of what we build varies from project to project, we approach our work with the beliefs that:

  • Accessibility should be prioritized in technology because we all have access needs as humans. At its heart, human innovation means creating tools to meet our varied needs.

  • Usability is critical. We know that a product may be technically sound, but it won't be successful if it’s not easy to use. So we create a user-centered design that is intuitive and easy to use.

  • Flexibility ensures longevity. Technologies, user needs, and business priorities constantly evolve, so we make sure that the foundations we put in place can evolve in tandem over time.

Measurability clarifies what’s working. Whether through product analytics or tracking real-world activities, we seek to measure the success of our efforts and adapt our approach accordingly.

With a clear sense of what to work on right away, we deploy integrated teams in agile design, development, and deployment cycles.

Our strategy, design, and engineering teams, composed either entirely of people from TXI or a blend of team members spanning our company and yours, emphasize speed to value, ensuring that the work we shape and ship first generates the highest possible return on investment.

All of this leads to digital products that are more useful, scalable, and impactful, resulting in increased user engagement, lower operating costs, and stronger conversion rates. After launching your product, we'll stick around to ensure it's successful in the market.



  • How to develop a comprehensive digital product strategy?
  • How can I reduce the risk of launching a new digital product or service?
  • How long does it typically take to launch a new digital product or service?
  • What is the process for launching a new digital product?
  • How do I validate my idea for a mobile app or web application?
  • How do I build a user-friendly interface and design for my digital product?
  • What are the most common mistakes to avoid when launching a new digital product?
  • How do I measure the success of my digital product after launch?
  • How much does it cost to launch a digital product?
  • How do I choose the right technology stack?
  • Should I build a mobile app or a responsive website?

Transform your visions into reality

At TXI, our integrated team of strategists, designers, and engineers are here to guide you to think big, take small steps, and expand with confidence. Realize is tailored to minimize risks and offer expert guidance to help you discover how to launch new products or services that your company needs. These products will elevate revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and secure your competitive edge. We’re here to help.

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Let's shape your insights into experience-led data products together.