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Improve the performance and user engagement of your digital products.

Product Performance Accelerator

If your digital product has seen disappointing customer adoption or ROI, TXI’s Product Performance Accelerator can unlock its full potential. This assessment combines data analysis, accessibility scoring, heuristics, and code audits to uncover opportunities to improve the product, make customers happier, and achieve maximum market success.


Top “product smells”: A primer on assessing product performance


Optimization path

We take a holistic approach, delving into the organizational priorities shaping your product, the tools and technologies powering your product, and the user motivations and pain points affecting how your product is perceived and valued.


Assess current state

We begin with working sessions alongside client-side executives and product stakeholders to surface ambitions, constraints, and target outcomes. This informs where we orient our effort, what options we consider, and how we sequence the work ahead.


Define priorities and roadmap

We continuously focus on business objectives (decreasing operational cost, increasing customer satisfaction, unlocking incremental revenue, etc.) to ensure we’re solving problems that matter to your organization and your users.


Launch in small increments

Smaller, frequent releases enable you to get new and improved working software into your users’ hands quickly and continually.


Measure and evolve

We use a range of tools and techniques to evaluate progress, comparing recent product performance to the baseline measurements captured at the project’s start.

TXI helped us think of things we hadn’t thought about. They helped us make it so anyone in the world could interact with the lights using their cell phones.

Jack Newell, Co-Creator, Wabash Lights

Assess current state

Optimize engagements begin with working sessions alongside client-side executives and product stakeholders to surface ambitions, constraints, and target outcomes. We use this early alignment to inform where we orient our effort, what options we consider, and how we sequence the work ahead.

Everything we learn is synthesized into themes and distilled into potential recommendations, pooled together for reflection, consideration, and action across our team and your organization.

During this assessment, we get into the specifics of your technology and user experience:

  • Code audits enable us to assess code quality, infrastructure, and efficiency.

  • UX Assessments build an understanding of how your users interact with your product and where opportunities exist to improve the existing experience and expand into new touchpoints.

  • Product Analytics reveal bottlenecks and drop-offs that may be impacting performance.

  • Baseline Measurements quantify your current state, enabling us to assess future impact.

Case Studies

Helping AMA healthcare workers get course credit faster


Define priorities and roadmap

We’ll define a valuable, viable, and pragmatic course together.

  • In collaborative working sessions we identify the most valuable problems to solve and surface the key considerations informing approach and trade-offs.
  • We use rapid prototyping to quickly form low-fidelity versions of our most promising ideas, which lets us assess the usefulness of concepts with users and evaluate business and technical feasibility.

  • A technical architecture helps us visualize the potential changes (and benefits) to your infrastructure to unlock greater levels of stability and scalability.

  • The product roadmap sequences what we’ll focus on Now, Next, and Later.

One of the most important aspects of our work together is evaluating a range of potential product enhancements for their likely impact on your business, system performance, and user experience. We continuously focus on business objectives (decreasing operational cost, increasing customer satisfaction, unlocking incremental revenue, etc.) to ensure we’re solving problems that matter to your organization and your users.

Typically, the scope we define is a mix of incremental improvements to your existing product along with the creation of new features and / or touchpoints. On the small end of the spectrum, we may collectively prioritize building a new feature or two. On the more ambitious side, we may opt to design and develop a custom mobile application that uniquely satisfies user needs.


Launch in small increments

While the specifics of what we build varies project to project, we approach our work with the beliefs that…

  • Usability is critical. We know that a product may be technically sound, but it won't be successful if it’s not easy to use. So we create a user-centered design that is intuitive and easy to use.

  • Flexibility ensures longevity. Technologies, user needs, and business priorities constantly evolve, so we make sure that the foundations we put in place can evolve in tandem with them over time.

  • Measurability clarifies what’s working. Whether through product analytics or tracking real-world activities, we seek to measure the success of our efforts and adapt our approach accordingly.

  • Accessibility should be prioritized in technology because we all have access needs as humans. At its heart, human innovation means creating tools to meet our varied needs.

With a clear sense of what to work on right away, we deploy integrated teams in agile design, development, and deployment cycles.

Our teams, composed either entirely of people from TXI or a blend of team members spanning our company and yours, emphasize speed to value, ensuring that the work we shape and ship first generates the highest possible return on investment. Smaller, frequent releases enable you to get new and improved working software into your users’ hands quickly and continually.

They were an incredibly personable and genuine group, and they brought a lot of really impressive technical expertise. It was a very easy process.

Daniel Pickhardt, Director of Product Development, AMA

Measure and evolve

We use a range of tools and techniques to evaluate progress, comparing recent product performance to the baseline measurements captured at the project’s start. During this ongoing exercise, we’ll evaluate each possible product enhancement for its business value, user desirability, and technical feasibility to move you closer to your target outcomes.

All of this leads to digital products that are more useful, scalable, and impactful, resulting in higher customer lifetime value, increased user engagement, lower operating costs, and decreased churn.

Product Analytics

Product analytics provide a rich set of data points that help us understand user behaviors as well as opportunities to further enhance product performance. We look closely at things like user flows, bottlenecks, drop-off points, server response times, and page load times to zero in on problems to solve.

A/B Testing

A/B testing lets us incrementally improve high-value features by deploying multiple variations of an interface or flow and testing how well each performs. Lessons learned in each test often inform improvements elsewhere in the product.

Evaluative research

Evaluative research provides a view of product performance through the eyes of users. This often includes usability testing to assess interfaces and identify problem areas, qualitative inputs such as user interviews, and quantitative methods such as surveys to better understand product perceptions, unmet needs, and overall goals.



  • What are the root causes of technical issues that cause digital products to lag behind?
  • Why do digital products fall flat with end-users?
  • What is rapid prototyping?
  • What is a code audit for digital products?
  • What is the purpose of a user experience audit?
  • What are the pros and cons of a heuristic evaluation?
  • What is the purpose of product analytics?
  • How to A/B test in custom software?

Let’s enhance your digital product's experience, together

TXI is here to help you pinpoint the reasons behind technical glitches and determine what's getting in the way of user engagement and satisfaction. We look at the bigger picture, understanding your product's role in your organization, the tools it relies on, and what users want. Let’s tackle the most important issues and channel our energy into making improvements that bring you better returns. We’re here to help.

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