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Digital commerce

We put your users first. That’s why our approach to product innovation converts so many of them.

Digital commerce

Research and product innovation

Design thinking methods help our clients and product teams uncover unique challenges faced by consumers. Once we identify the critical problems to solve, we can generate new and creative solutions to bring value to the consumer. Our product discovery process has generated powerful insights that have shaped the product roadmap and set strategies for both high growth startups and Fortune 50 companies.

How we can help:

  • Ethnographic user research
  • Rapid prototyping
  • User testing and validation
Case Studies

Helping Tyson find innovation in food waste (and profit)

I’m very impressed with TXI’s adaptability. We created something new to the industry, a framework for innovation. They introduced agile and design thinking to a big corporation like Tyson Foods.

Rizal Hamdallah, Head of Innovation Lab at Tyson Foods
Digital commerce

Optimized commerce experience

Platforms like SquareSpace and Shopify have greatly reduced the complexity for basic e-commerce. But when you are managing something more complex than selling t-shirts online, we can help to reimagine the customer journey and optimize the commerce workflow with modern technologies and unique buyer experiences.

How we can help:

  • User journey mapping and site optimization
  • Mobile commerce and app/POS integration
  • Near Field Communication and IoT integrations
  • Automate and streamline manual processes
  • Track and trace: Set up analytics, A/B testing, and site optimization
Case Studies

A mobile, wallet-based customer experience platform unleashes a goldmine of data

TXI challenged us the most on our ideas. We believed that they could add the most value to our development.

Conrad Caplin, CEO of Pronto
Digital commerce

Auctions and online bidding

Our product teams have optimized the mobile digital experiences and user interactions specifically for virtual auctions and mobile bidding. By boosting engagement in our platforms and optimizing the process to find products and place bids, we have increased the value of these auction marketplaces for both buyers and sellers.

How we can help:

  • Explore complex product listings and SKU catalogs
  • Optimize mobile bidding, re-bidding engine
  • Encourage engagement through personalized notifications and alerts
  • Increase adoption and bidding activity through gamification and rewards
Case Studies

An e-commerce app built to handle a startup's rapid growth

Their team felt like a natural extension of ours and clearly had the best interests of our users at heart.

Bobby Uhlenbrock, CTO Everything But The House
Digital communities

Two-sided marketplaces

It’s the classic chicken and egg problem. Which side of the marketplace do you build first and how do you provide value to them both? Our product teams have extensive experience navigating these challenges across multiple domains. We have successfully launched several two-sided marketplaces, connecting caregivers and patients, buyers and sellers, and employers and potential job applicants.

How we can help:

  • Maximize the number of connections between marketplaces
  • Create strategies for creating demand while building supply in your marketplace
  • Optimize for centralized or decentralized marketplace experiences
  • Innovate new tools to enhance the experience for both buyers and sellers
Case Studies

A digital marketplace to help a plant seller disrupt its 100-year-old business

I had a lot of operations and business experience, but I had never developed a tech product—TXI provided the guidance. I trusted the process and trusted them to lead me through it. They saved me a lot of time and grief.

Lisa Fiore, founder of LandscapeHub
Digital communities

Empowered sales teams

Our product teams have created applications to empower distributed sales teams to improve their ability to sell the most complex and unique products, with gamification, reporting, and incentives to motivate their activity and track their progress.

How we can help:

  • Provide product training and mobile app sales guides for decentralized sales teams
  • Quickly sort through product catalog and find useful product differentiators at your fingertips
  • Incentivize sales activity through team leader boards, revenue targets, and monthly challenges
  • Empower sales teams to close the sale and report to track progress
Case Studies

Helping Keiser decide whether to build or buy technology

TXI doesn’t talk about what’s good for TXI. They say ‘Here’s what I’m seeing, here’s what I want to do to help your business. We can do this.’ That is something that you can’t buy.

Brennon Bynum, Director of Marketing at Keiser
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