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Resilience at TXI

TXI adopted an ESOP structure to support our organizational resilience. ESOP companies tend to be longer-lasting and better performing than non-ESOP companies, providing additional stability for employees and clients. ESOPs provide a tax-deferred advantage for organizations to generate more working capital, which allows us to build a stronger and more resilient company.

The benefits of ESOP also motivate employees to stay with TXI for more of their career and to be more invested in the long-term success of their business. Last but certainly not least, ESOP provides a stable transition of ownership without disrupting operations or culture, unlike a merger or acquisition.


In the attention economy, we’re focused on our people


Equitable ownership

ESOP allocates shares of our company to every TXIer as a benefit of employment; our employees don’t need to buy in with their own capital. This is an intentional move to diversify our ownership and create equitable opportunities to build economic power.

For many people from historically marginalized groups without institutional privilege or generational wealth, access to capital is a barrier to buying into a company. When it was time for our founders to exit the company, we knew we wanted our new capital structure to embody our values of equity and inclusion.

Experience a TXI Retreat


Creating value

TXI is its employees–there’s no value in our business without the talents and energy of our people. So it seems only right that our people should get the benefit of the value that they create.

We've long said that one of our values is to own it, and now we've made that mindset literally true. This is a virtuous cycle: the more bought-in employees feel to TXI and the work we do, the more value we create with our clients, which in turn provides more financial benefit back to the employee-owners, who are then even more bought in and motivated to continue doing great work with our clients.


Preparing For The Future Of Work: Mark Rickmeier Of TXI On The Top Five Trends To Watch In The Future Of Work



  • What is an ESOP?
  • How is an ESOP different from stock options or RSUs?
  • Is ESOP only available to US employees?
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