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Digital health

Imagine a world where healthcare is not just a treatment but a personalized experience that understands and caters to the unique needs of each individual.

Digital health

Human-centered design

Every industry has a human element, but designing for healthcare means understanding that connection is the heart of medicine. Our products optimize that patient experience, allowing the patients to feel cared for, even at a distance.

Teasing out details and offering a diagnosis are intrinsic to the profession, and the same process is used when building digital health software. TXI understands how to design healthcare software with a human-centered mindset by making things more transparent for users while giving providers the data they need to deliver better-quality care.

  • Foster a deeper understanding of the patients challenges, needs, goals and motivation

  • Increase connection and trust between patient and physicians

  • Improve care and patient outcomes when users understand their applications and want to use them as designed

Digital Health

Digital Health white paper

Custom software in healthcare is like personalized tools that improve patient care by fitting the unique needs of doctors and patients; it makes healthcare more personalized and efficient.

In this paper, you'll learn how to define a mobile app strategy for your healthcare organization and choose the right software partner for the journey.

Transform healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

Download the white paper

The integrated team at TXI uncovered valuable insights and delivered an extraordinary product that was innovative, user-centric and secure.

Missy Lavender, Founder, CEO, Renalis
Digital health

Remote patient monitoring

The pandemic has shown that remote patient monitoring (RPM) allows healthcare providers to collect more accurate and contextual data about patients' health status outside traditional in-person settings. The ability to track patient data in real time through RPM can lead to personalized care plans, earlier interventions, better health outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs. With the addition of new CPT codes, remote care reimbursement further opens up opportunities to redesign treatment and care workflows, creating new gold standards of care.

TXI can help healthcare providers build and integrate the most suitable technologies for remote patient monitoring. We offer guidance in data management, privacy, and security, ensuring that the remote monitoring solutions comply with industry standards and regulations. By partnering with TXI, you will build effective remote patient monitoring solutions that enhance patient care and outcomes.

How we can help

  • Product discovery to build or improve the understanding of patient needs, goals, and pain points

  • Create patient-centered experiences that guarantee the adoption, engagement, and retention of patients

  • Ensure products integrate seamlessly into current healthcare processes and procedures

  • Compliance with necessary data security protocols and privacy regulations like HIPAA

Prototype of a bladder app for patients
Case Studies

Using data to accelerate development of new pharmaceuticals

Digital health

Predictive care analytics

Predictive analytics in digital health uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to find patterns in healthcare data and predict potential outcomes for patients, providers, and payers. The goal is to use historical data to inform novel solutions that improve patient care, build better clinical trial cohorts, and help payers authorize new treatment plans.

TXI builds digital products that propel data-driven organizations to the top of their industries. By leveraging cutting-edge technology (including machine learning and artificial intelligence), we help our clients make faster and better decisions that improve their business performance.

How we can help

  1. Identify the real user and consider how their unique needs

  2. Define and iterate on early prototypes of a highly intuitive user experience for navigating data and relationships

  3. Go from a prototype to a production-ready platform

  4. Build and launch the platform to ingest and harmonize internal and external datasets

  5. Drive a culture shift and provide human support to build trust and confidence

Case Studies

A data-driven companion app improves spinal surgery recovery

Digital health

Medical devices & wearables

The ability to increase patient health and outcomes via the use of wearables is something users have fully embraced; whether watches with step counters, heart-rate monitors, blood-oxygen, sleep-quality rings, or other, these devices are now equipped with sensors that can collect data on various health parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, activity levels, and more.

Rather than just using wearable devices for self-diagnosis, TXI will help you realize the true value of wearables by enabling how the data is transmitted to digital services or applications and used to provide personalized health insights, alerts, and recommendations.

How we can help

  1. Analyze the needs of your users and business to determine the approach to your wearable product that will yield the best results

  2. Innovative design to make sure your product is positioned at the forefront of this growing market

  3. Transparency keeps you informed and involved every step of the way

  4. Ongoing optimization to drive the results your business seeks


Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics are revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare. By combining the power of technology with existing in-person care practices, we can promote positive changes in patient behavior and improve patient outcomes like never before.

At TXI, we are passionate about enabling innovative digital therapies that make a real difference in people's lives. Our product innovation team is dedicated to designing, building, and delivering these life-changing therapies to the market through technology like mobile apps, software programs, and wearable devices.

Through our partnerships with digital health companies, healthcare providers, and researchers, we are able to develop evidence-based digital therapies that address unmet needs in healthcare. Together, we can create a brighter future for healthcare, one where technology and human expertise come together to improve patient outcomes and transform lives.

How we can help

  1. Conduct user research with actual providers and patients to learn what they need and want

  2. Use human-centered design to build and test RTM solutions

  3. Deliver digital health solutions that gain widespread adoption and change lives

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  • What is digital healthcare?
  • How can patients benefit from digital health?
  • What are some examples of remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM)?
  • What is remote patient monitoring?
  • How long does it take to build a digital health application?
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