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Assemble a stress-tested plan for launching a digital product.

Bite-size strategy

Opportunity Accelerator

If you’re not sure whether to invest in building a digital product, start with TXI’s Opportunity Accelerator. In this two-week mini-engagement, our strategists, designers, and engineers will help you see a clear path forward. We’ll help sharpen and focus your idea while identifying the most effective ways to validate your assumptions, mitigate risks, and realize your ambitions.


Opportunity Accelerator


Shape the opportunity

What are you good at? What's going on in your market? Who will you sell to?

Strategize engagements start by answering these three questions (aka defining the “3Cs”: company, competition, customers). The answers will give us the shape of the opportunity in front of you: what to focus on first and where our effort will translate to the greatest value.

The result? A holistic view of the key forces to harness, obstacles to navigate, and factors to consider as we bring form and focus to the opportunity.


  • What are your strengths and capabilities?

  • What are the assets you can leverage in this new space?

  • What are the main challenges around company capabilities in this area?

  • Why are you uniquely positioned to be successful?


  • How is the market performing?

  • Who are the main competitors? Where are they strong? Vulnerable?

  • What makes this market attractive?

  • What are the industry or technology advancements affecting this space?


  • Who are the likely audiences for a new offering?

  • What are their options today?

  • What are their challenges and frustrations?

  • How low or high is the switching cost?

Case Studies

Turning audience data into an action plan with ISACA


Identify your ideal user

To many organizations, targeted means “for someone.” At TXI, targeted means “for someone very specific.” We call these very specific someones “linchpin” customers, and they represent your ideal user.

By seeing the world through the eyes of your linchpin customer, we can get explicit about how your product can create value for them and connect with values shared by broader audiences. This clarity and specificity are essential to aligning your product focus with your linchpin customer.

We typically accomplish this through a mix of research methods:

  • Talking with people (one-on-one in-depth interviews, focus groups)

  • Observing users (contextual inquiry, diary studies)

  • Understanding current solutions (competitive review, heuristic analysis)

  • Experiencing things for ourselves (shopping for products, trialing existing products)

In synthesizing what we learn in research, we’re able to surface the unique ways a new product can:

  • Meet customer needs (functional, emotional, social)

  • Relieve pain (cost, risk, negative emotions)

  • Deliver on previously unexplored needs (unmet/unarticulated needs)

  • Out-deliver on existing needs (underserved needs)


Define product positioning

Positioning is the process of creating a unique space in the market and the mind. Good positioning creates a positive mental image customers can readily identify with that’s unique and memorable. Positioning also helps relate the new (your product) to the known (products already on the market).

The first step in defining a position is establishing the frame of reference (mental category) the product belongs in:

  • Product category

  • Competitors/alternatives

  • Target customer

  • Key needs, pain points

  • Context of use

  • Brand attributes

The second is highlighting the points of difference (why yours is different / better):

  • Promise

  • Features

  • Benefits

  • Technologies

  • Reasons to Believe

Experience our speed to value services

Develop product vision and vignettes

You know who your linchpin customer is. You have your product’s positioning. Now it’s time to get the rest of your organization on board. We’ll do this with a product vision document and vignettes..

A product vision document defines the product. Critical components of a great product vision document include:

  • The opportunity: Brief, cogent summary that sets up the opportunity space

  • The idea: Positioning and key components that help bring the position to life

  • The audience: Who it’s for and why it’s a target customer worth addressing

  • The differentiators: Why it’s different from current options (pain / promise)

  • The upside: How it fits within your capabilities; business model; size of the prize

  • The plan: Primary challenges to overcome; markers of success; best path forward

Product vignettes show the product in action—hypothetically, at least—via “scenes and screens” of the experience.

Scenes are glimpses into the moments of real life where a customer encounters a need for or derives benefits from your product. The linchpin customer is the focus of these scenes; your product is in the background.

Screens are rough sketches of what your product will look like. At this phase, we keep things light and directional: open layouts, vibrant color, clean interaction.

All of this adds up to a tangible and persuasive narrative about where you’re heading and why.

Case Studies

Automating high-stakes business analysis for decision-making


Make the business case

The product vision will likely appeal to your organization's big-picture, intuitive thinkers. A business case will reach the more detail-oriented, analytical thinkers. The business case offers specifics about the nuts and bolts of your product opportunity. We’ve found that the strongest business cases answer four fundamental questions.


What’s the opportunity?

Succinctly recap the opportunity, idea, and audience sections of the product vision document, underscoring how this product aligns with and advances your organization's strategic goals.


How will we address it?

Outline a plan for the short term with an emphasis on the initial time frame, upfront costs, and estimated impact. Highlight operational aspects, including product fit with existing internal capabilities.


How will we know it’s working?

Share the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to measure traction. Get specific with financial projections outlining realistic cost, revenue, and return on investment (ROI).


What could go wrong?

Avoid the temptation to downplay the dependencies and risks inherent in the opportunity. Pair those elements with your mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

One of the most important parts of our strategy was not to force people to use NUcore. That meant we had to build good software that met people's needs, or nobody was going to use it.

Jeff Weiss, Director for Research Analysis, Northwestern University

Create the product roadmap

A product roadmap helps you ship something smaller, sooner, so your product can start delivering the ROI you promise in your business plan ASAP.

What we aim to define and include in a product roadmap:

  • An inventory of foundational epics

  • The initial shape and focus of the first release

  • Features we’ll work on Now, Next, and Later

  • Estimation of effort and duration of key features

  • A list of the riskiest assumptions to validate and the most critical experiments to conduct

  • Plans for ways to build awareness among linchpins and foster adoption

We understand that building a new product involves risk, and we help our clients assess the risk-return tradeoff, identifying the potential risks and rewards associated with each opportunity and working to determine the level of risk they are comfortable with.



  • How does automation improve the performance of a digital product?
  • What is speed to value?
  • What is agile delivery?
  • What is a linchpin customer?
  • What is the process of defining product positioning?
  • What is the purpose of identifying the "3Cs"?
  • What are the benefits of synthesizing the research results?
  • How can you reduce risk through design thinking?
  • How do you craft a compelling business case?
  • What is a minimum viable product or MVP?
  • What is a minimum lovable product?

Kickstart your journey

At TXI, we bring together teams of experts from both our side and yours. Together, we discover new ideas and possibilities. By understanding customers, analyzing competitors, and exploring technology, we help you make smart choices and set clear goals. Contact us today to start a strategic partnership that shapes your organization’s future.

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