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Using Apple’s Vision Pro to expedite drug research

Discovering new drugs to cure diseases and improve people’s lives is among the most exciting work that biopharmaceutical companies do. But until recently, the drug discovery process hadn’t changed for decades. In fact, the typical time to get a new drug to market was 10 years.

In the last few years, though, that’s been changing. One of our clients, a Fortune 100 biopharmaceutical company, knew its data could fuel scientists’ early-stage research and let them start lab experiments much further along in the process—if only there was a way to tap that data. We worked with them to develop an internal search engine to do just that, which has made it possible to greatly speed up drug discovery and innovation.

In the months after that search engine launched, Apple’s mixed reality Vision Pro platform came to market—and we knew right away that the device could dramatically change their research capabilities once again. We shared our idea with the client and they agreed to see a prototype.

Three weeks later, we delivered SixthSense, an immersive spatial computing experience that lets scientists see and interact with molecular data via gestures—something that wasn’t possible before. Here’s a look at how we managed to go from nothing to a working model so quickly and what the new technology means for our client’s work.

Thriving through constraints: a mindset of creative problem-solving

Most firms aren’t interested in trying to develop a compelling proof of concept for newly released hardware on a tight timeline. But TXI’s way of working is all about trying things quickly, learning fast, and adjusting as needed.

The additional constraints didn’t hold us back. If anything, they acted as a catalyst. Rather than starting with a blank slate, we had specific parameters built in: the software we built had to work on a specific platform with specific hardware. We had to limit ourselves to features we could build in three weeks.

We were constantly showcasing what we’d built, getting real-time feedback from each other, and collaborating to identify our next step. This worked because everyone involved in the project had adopted a mindset of creative problem-solving and committed to delivering an impactful experience.

A product that lets you experience data

After three weeks, our SixthSense prototype made it possible for researchers to move among interactive molecular models and interact with them using natural hand gestures.

As soon as we showed it to our client’s R&D leadership, they recognized the potential to accelerate drug discovery and design. Instead of translating endless 2D data models into practical 3D applications, researchers could now experience their data—they could spin one molecule around, wave another to sit beside it, call up research data from experiments using both.

SixthSense, in other words, gives researchers an entirely new way to interact with data. It’s the difference between reading about a city in a guidebook and actually walking through that city. The former lets you explore what you know you want to explore; the latter opens you to possibilities you may not have realized existed.

Breakthroughs start with the right approach to work

We’re excited about what SixthSense will do for our biopharmaceutical client—and by extension, what it will do for the world of drug development and discovery. But this is only one example of how our approach to work helps our partners achieve market-defining breakthroughs. That work consistently fuses creativity and technical mastery to turn cutting-edge technologies into tangible, revolutionary digital experiences.

If you’re interested in developing a market breakthrough of your own, please reach out. We love helping enterprise organizations at any phase of the innovation cycle—whether you have a clear vision for what you want to do, a vague sense that it’s time to shake things up, or something in between. We look forward to hearing from you!

Published by Ed LaFoy in Apple Vision Pro

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