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Data Maturity Accelerator

Culture of Innovation Support

Innovation Readiness Assessment

If you want to cultivate a culture primed for driving forward-looking digital product development, start with TXI’s Design & Innovation Readiness Assessment. This assessment focuses on evaluating and enhancing your organization's proficiency in design thinking, capacity for innovation, and readiness for change, ensuring a successful path to future-oriented product creation.


Build a culture of innovation

We’ve been cultivating a culture of innovation for well over a decade at TXI. With a proven approach to digital product innovation—focused on mindsets and behaviors (not toolkits and processes)—our people are proof that innovation is a learnable discipline across engineering, design, strategy, and delivery.

Not only can we teach our core tenets of design thinking in the unique context of building custom software, but we can help your team assess where they are along a design and innovation maturity curve—ensuring your innovation culture not only takes root, but flourishes.


Is your company ready to innovate? Why you need to know now.


Zero innovation gatekeeping

Anyone can become a successful innovator by adopting a disciplined approach to cultivating the right mindsets and behaviors. We know from experience that to build the most impactful products, you have to build impactful teams. We’ll demonstrate the process for your organization, help you practice it, and then play a coaching role when your team is ready to operate on its own.

At TXI, we understand the importance of building a client's capacity and skill for digital product innovation. We believe that custom trainings, hands-on workshops, and interactive facilitated discussions are key components to help individuals and organizations embrace new ways of thinking and working, unlock their team's potential, and create a lasting innovation culture.

Our approach centers on “equipping and enablement” over traditional change management. We believe everyone possesses the capacity to think and work differently and simply needs to be equipped with practical tools and resources and enabled with psychological safety and encouragement from senior management to experiment and take calculated risks.

We work with our clients to understand their current processes, identify areas of improvement, and develop a plan for exploration and pilot implementation. We believe in a blended team approach, where our experts work side by side with your team, providing coaching and support throughout the process.

Case Studies

Helping Tyson find innovation in food waste (and profit)


A method-driven approach

We incorporate key concepts of human-centered design thinking in all our trainings and workshops. These proven methodologies and mindsets go far beyond understanding peoples’ needs, wants, and desires to create successful digital products. The techniques are applied to how we develop the curriculum and conduct the events themselves. Whether tactical (conducting user research, creating personas, or developing user journey maps) or strategic (shaping a new internal product development or delivery process) we make things accessible and tangible for immediate application.

As a bespoke software consultancy, we naturally incorporate agile methodology in our approach. We believe in iterative development, where products are built in small increments and tested with users regularly. This allows our clients to quickly adapt to changes and pivot their strategy if needed. We teach our clients how to prioritize product features, create a product backlog, and conduct sprint planning and retrospectives.


Tailormade trainings

Working with our clients to identify the right organizational structure and processes to support their digital product innovation efforts, we help our clients create cross-functional teams, implement collaborative tools, and establish a lasting culture of innovation.

Custom trainings

Our custom trainings are tailored to meet your specific needs, capacity and readiness. We can help you determine where to start, invest, and go next. Offering a range of topics and formats, our trainings are interactive and hands-on, allowing participants to apply what they've learned directly and immediately to their own projects.

Hands-on workshops

In addition to trainings, we offer hands-on workshops where our experts work directly with you and your team to tackle specific challenges. Our workshops are highly collaborative and interactive, allowing participants to work through problems in real-time. We use design thinking and agile methodology to guide the workshop and ensure the outcome is viable and fit for purpose.

Facilitated discussions

We also offer interactive facilitated discussions, where our experts guide conversations and discussions around key topics such as product vision and strategy, product roadmapping, and team collaboration. Our facilitated discussions are designed to be highly engaging and collaborative, allowing participants to share their ideas and perspectives in an open and supportive environment.


Better for everyone

Our goal is to help our clients build their capacity and skill for digital product innovation. We believe providing custom trainings, hands-on workshops, and interactive facilitated discussions, helps our clients create their own innovation culture, embrace new ways of thinking and working, and unlock their team's potential. Selfishly, we want to work with innovators open to working differently and aligned to the idea that design thinking is essential to build custom software that meets the needs of users and drives business results.

So if you’re an executive looking to recession-proof your business, introduce a culture of innovation, or learn how to approach challenges in a way that consistently yields new value, let us design and facilitate a catalytic event or series tailor-fit to your organization and ambitions.



  • What does it mean to innovate?
  • What is 'disruptive innovation'?
  • What are the core tenets of design thinking?
  • What is iterative development?
  • What is sprint planning and retrospectives?
  • What is the importance of innovation for companies to remain profitable in the next decade?
  • How can companies consistently innovate?
  • How do you build a culture of innovation?
  • How does the agile methodology help to build digital products?
Culture of Innovation Support

Let's innovate together

In a world where everyone talks about 'disruptive innovation,' it's not always easy to understand how to make it work for you. But that's where we step in. We'll guide you through the innovation process, without using complicated words. And we'll also help you figure out if your organization is ready to take the next step. Let's connect and explore this together.

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Let's shape your insights into experience-led data products together.